属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国政治 幕后智者
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-上世纪的名流 Twentieth-century li
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-黑白的希望 The black white hope
1 | 斯文地争辩 [战斗] | fight with the glove on | |
2 | 他看见自己打着赤膊投戴手套服“利物浦红火”在萨斯克汉纳号的前舱进行着那场了不起的拳击赛。 | He saw himself, stripped to the waist, with naked fists, fighting his great fight with Liverpool Red in the forecastle of the Susquehanna | |
3 | 他们必须与人数两倍于他们的军队作战。 | They had to fight with a force twice their numbers | |
4 | 他若能与我战斗,将我杀死,我们就作你们的仆人。我若胜了他,将他杀死,你们就作我们的仆人,服事我们。 | If he is able to have a fight with me and overcome me, then we will be your servants: but if I am able to overcome him, then you will be our servants and do work for us. | |
5 | 通形者,先居高阳,利粮道,以战则利。 | With regard to ground of this nature, be before the enemy in occupying the raised and sunny spots,and carefully guard your line of supplies. Then you will be able to fight with advantage. | |
6 | 我不和人打架。 | I didn’t fight with others. | |
7 | 我会和你并肩作战。 | I’ll fight with you. | |
8 | 我们必须共同战斗--用我们的工作,我们的书本,我们的艺术来斗争! | We must get together and fight-fight with our work, with our books, with our art. | |
9 | 我们应学会同敌人做公开和隐蔽的斗争。 | We should learn to fight with enemy in an overt and covert way. | |
10 | 悟空、八戒、沙僧大战女妖,唐僧无人保护,又被捉走。 | Monkey, Pig and Friar Sand had a fierce fight with the evil spirit and there was nobody to protect the Master. Tang Priest was again taken into the cave by the evil spirit. | |
11 | 也有人说是因为一群年轻人在吃午饭的时候用色拉来打架,从此就有了这个传统节日。 | Others say a group of youngsters started a food fight with their salad at lunchtime and it became a tradition. | |
12 | 以令人难以置信的勇气作战 | Fight with incredible bravery | |
13 | 用长矛比武;格斗 | To fight with lances;joust. | |
14 | 有时装作一起去教堂,或是拷问教友派的教徒,或是玩同印第安人打仗和剥头皮的把戏,或是模仿巫术的怪样互相吓唬。 | playing at going to church, perchance; or at scourging Quakers; or taking scalps in a sham-fight with the Indians; or scaring one another with freaks of imitative witchcraft. | |
15 | 有一次亚比雅率领挑选的兵四十万摆阵,都是勇敢的战士。耶罗波安也挑选大能的勇士八十万,对亚比雅摆阵。 | and abijah went out to the fight with an army of men of war, four hundred thousand of his best men; and Jeroboam put his forces in line against him, eight hundred thousand of his best men of war. | |
16 | 有一个以色列妇人的儿子,他父亲是埃及人,一日闲游在以色列人中。这以色列妇人的儿子和一个以色列人在营里争斗。 | and a son of an Israelite woman, whose father was an Egyptian, went out among the children of Israel and had a fight with a man of Israel by the tents; | |
17 | 与天使较力,并且得胜,哭泣恳求,在伯特利遇见耶和华。耶和华万军之神在那里晓谕我们以色列人,耶和华是他可记念的名。 | He had a fight with the angel and overcame him; he made request for grace to him with weeping; he came face to face with him in Beth-el and there his words came to him; | |
18 | 在未开化时代,人们用斧头互相攻击,在文明时代的人埋葬了斧头,开始靠饶舌攻击对方。 | In the old days of barbarism,the people fought with hatchets.Civilized men buried the hatchet,and now fight with gossip. | |
19 | 真刀真枪地战斗, 你死我活地战斗 | fight with the gloves off | |
20 | ||1:20世纪60年代后,很快Belafonte的事业开始走下坡路。但这丝毫不令人感到意外:守城永远没有攻城有意思。||2:Belafonte的这本自传也长的让人生厌:Belafonte漫谈他不太顺利生意,Belafonte烦恼他家小孩享受特权,这些描写冗长又乏味。||3: 接着是他的政治判断:支持Martin Luther King junior反对不公正和压迫,与支持老练的政治压迫者,例如Hugo Chávez 和 Fidel Castro,是不尽相同的。 ||4:鉴于年代的局限性,以及当时种族隔离的世界顺应人心地消失,Belafonte的这首生命之歌,将不会再被奏响。 | ||1: After the 1960s, “My Song” goes downhill quickly, but that is hardly a surprise: maintaining fame is never as interesting as achieving it. ||2: The book is also too long. Mr Belafonte’s ramblings about business deals that went sour and his agonising over the extraordinary privileges his children enjoyed grow tedious. ||3: And then there is his political judgment. Standing with Martin Luther King junior to fight injustice and oppression is quite different from standing with practised political oppressors such as Hugo Chávez and Fidel Castro. ||4: Still, Mr Belafonte does have a remarkable song to sing. Given its breadth, and the welcome disappearance of the segregated world in which it began, such a song will not be sung again. | |
21 | ||1:诚然,成功背后,她付出了很多。||2:马塔伊博士一生辛勤工作,从不走捷径,已所不欲勿加于人。||3:她做事尽职尽责,从不认为自己有多了不起,同时又有路见不平拨刀相助的侠气。||4:她的一生是斗争的一生,然而其中大部分的斗争本来都和她没什么关系,她是为他人而战。 | ||1: In truth, these successes were not effortlessly achieved. ||2: Dr Maathai laboured hard all her life, never taking shortcuts, never adopting airs, never asking others to do tasks she would not do herself. ||3: And with this conscientiousness and lack of self-importance came another quality, a keen ability to empathise with others and fight their corner when she believed they were being wronged. ||4: Most of the struggles with which her life was associated were not her struggles; they were other people’s. | |
22 | ||1:就像如今幕后特别顾问所从事的工作一样,作者当时也写演讲稿,对政策文件起草了又起草,协商选举宣言,同时观察着台上领袖的缺点。||2:运用自己对策略和人性的敏锐感,他在编年史内写下老工党衰退和倒台那段时期的骚乱,反左派的斗争,也记录下二十世纪七十年代中期的经济崩溃,1979年那场极糟的选举。||3:有些细节很明了:在午餐会上一名年轻的求职者鲁莽地把工党贵族Roy Jenkins的槌球打进了花圃里的事,亦或是Crosland关于大使夫人的浅薄方面的一些言论。 | ||1:As backroom special advisers do now, the author wrote speeches, drafted and redrafted policy papers, and negotiated electoral manifestos, all the while observing the foibles of his front-of-stage bosses.||2:In what is clearly the emotional heart of the book, he chronicles the turbulence surrounding the decline and fall of Old Labour, the fight against the hard left, the economic debacle of the mid-1970s and the disastrous election of 1979—all with a keen eye for strategy and personality.||3:There is delight in small details: the chill that settled on a lunch party when the young jobseeker had the temerity to hit the croquet ball of Roy Jenkins, a Labour grandee, into the flower bed, or Crosland’s views on the inanities of ambassadors’ wives. | |
23 | ||1:上世纪60年代后,贝拉方特“唱”不动了,事业迅速下滑。但这并不奇怪:追逐名誉时,人们总是乐此不疲,但要永葆不衰,可就难咯。||2: 这本同名自传也够冗长的: 不是漫谈生意不顺,就讲孩子享受优待,当爹的很是焦虑的事,读着读着也觉得无聊。 ||3:书中还叙述了其个人的政治判断:他既和老练得政治压迫者(比如雨果·查韦斯,菲德尔·卡斯特罗)有过交情,也曾与马丁·路德·金并肩,同歧视,压迫做过斗争。两者意义却大不相同。||4:不过,贝拉方特还真有一首别致的歌要唱,但一来这歌受众不广,二来它出炉于种族隔离的时代,如今,人们早已敞开胸怀,愈合这个世界,如此看来⒆,此曲恐为绝唱哩! | ||1: After the 1960s, “My Song” goes downhill quickly, but that is hardly a surprise: maintaining fame is never as interesting as achieving it. ||2: The book is also too long. Mr Belafonte’s ramblings about business deals that went sour and his agonising over the extraordinary privileges his children enjoyed grow tedious. ||3: And then there is his political judgment. Standing with Martin Luther King junior to fight injustice and oppression is quite different from standing with practised political oppressors such as Hugo Chávez and Fidel Castro. ||4: Still, Mr Belafonte does have a remarkable song to sing. Given its breadth, and the welcome disappearance of the segregated world in which it began, such a song will not be sung again. | |
24 | ||1:威廉吉尔迪亚在传记里回忆到,虽然困难重重,但是甘斯在1906年做到了似乎不可能做到的事情。||2:他挫败了来自内华达州金矿市的美裔丹麦选手贝特林纳尔逊,成功地捍卫了自己世界第一的称号,以最受拥戴的胜者姿态告别了拳击场。||3:这场耗时两小时四十八分钟的比赛是20世纪最漫长的拳击赛,当纳尔森因蓄意打在甘斯的腰下部位而被判出局时,就连头发花白的老矿工也大声呐喊起来。 | ||1:Against enormous odds, as William Gildea recalls in his episodic biography, Gans had by 1906 achieved the seemingly impossible.||2:He actually left the ring a popular winner in successfully defending his title against Battling Nelson, a Danish-American, in Goldfield, Nevada.||3:Even grizzled prospectors whooped when, after two hours and 48 minutes, the longest championship fight of the 20th century, Nelson was disqualified for a deliberate low blow. | |
25 | “她刚才跟一个男人吵了一架,那个家伙自称是她的丈夫。”我身旁的一个姑娘解释说。 | "She had a fight with a man who says he’s her husband, " explained a girl at my elbow. | |
26 | “如果我们的运动员在赛场上发扬了顽强拼搏的精神,即使输了,中国老百姓也会满意,”他表示。 | "If our athletes fight with all their might on the field, then our ordinary people will be satisfied even if they lose, " he said. | |
27 | “他不会同我争吵的,”鲁道夫很有把握地说。 | "He won’t fight with me, " Rudolph said confidently. | |
28 | 埃尔多安在居尔之外只谨慎的支持了一个新的候选人,也许是因为他并不想与将军们再次发生冲突。 | Mr Erdogan has only cautiously endorsed a fresh candidacy by Mr Gul, perhaps because he does not want to pick a new fight with the generals. | |
29 | 安杰拉过去经常与父母争吵,在屋后的工具房里偷偷吸烟。 | Angela used to fight with her parents and sneak smokes in the toolshed behind her house. | |
30 | 奥巴马知道,法国和英国有能力发动对穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲(MuammerGaddafi)的打击,但可能没有能力打到底。 | The president knows that France and Britain are capable of starting a fight with Muammer Gaddafi, but may not be capable of finishing it. |